Saturday, October 23, 2010

Links: ADD/ADHD websites

Here is a link to Terry Matlen's website ADD Consults . This website is a great resource because through this website, Terry can help you find the help you need no matter where in the world you live. Also you can find a plethora of links to useful websites, where you can connect with others. It also comes with a free e-newsletter. You can find lots of helpful stuff over there. I challenge you if you haven't already done so, go check it out for yourself.

Here is a link to my own facebook group. Click here ADHD Support and Information. I have lots of resources posted there. I have lots of links to various websites and I have an ongoing bibliography/review of books I have read. My bibliography/review is divided up into categories based on what topics a particular ADD/ADHD book covers. Everything from explanations of the physiological basis of AD/HD to relationship issues to making the grade with ADD. The websites that I have posted there include a wide variety of topics/resources, which include patient assistance programs, blogs, social networks, websites with even more resources, websites that offer teleclasses/webinars on various topics concerning AD/HD, to various nonprofit orgs such as CHADD. The list goes on and on, so check out this group if you are on facebook and consider joining it.

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